Tuesday 4 December 2007

Yes Or No To Share Photos on Internet

It seems that many of friends are eager to find their old photos to be scanned and post it on the blog or internet sites. Few take it as competition to see who is giving better preview into the past history.
For me, I am hesitating and careful to review whether it is good to just publish photos on the blog as it may pose over exposure to some events which are supposed to be private sharing only between friends (though earlier I have the same urge to bring out my old photos)
Yes or No...? To do it or not ? Do we need to take permission from the rest in the photo ?
I just hope those wanted to post the photos on the blog to review and reflect thoroughly to ensure we are not hurting others (in the photos)..though we may just treat it as leisure. Respect for others ? as such photos is good only for private preview.
If one really still wanted to satisfy one's needs, we can also invite friends to personal album on the internet at least that method is more controlled by way of invitation only.
For me, I think it is better to burn those photos into movie/slide show and share with visiting friends during Christmas/CNY/festivities.

1 comment:

Ivy said...

My view is that it's ok to post the photo as long as there is no bad intention behind doing so. And of course not to post photos that we know very well is a personal episode for someone who is in the picture.

But if there are some who are unhappy that the photo is posted up without their consent, too bad!