Monday 28 January 2008

A Nice Cosy Home

Many including myself always look forward to a nice warm and cosy home especially after a hard labour at office during the day. A house is probably the biggest asset one could invest apart from himself or herself, therefore many would want to have it in the most perfect look that one could wish.

Recently I have been to one show house and I am very impressed with its interior design and how I wish I could have the same or similar cosy environment (plus the maintenance of the environment at all times). At that moment of God fearing person, I was reminded by one sharing of my sisters as she mentioned that

"we would always want the best for our earthly home to be...and we are willing to work very hard to earn the money to pay the best we could and throughout our life, we will be bearing it. But then again, as Christian, are we not curious and wishing for the best home in heaven. How much have we invested to ensure we are there ? or have we started ?"


A house is an asset and it is not a home. A home is a house. A home is more than just asset as it will fulfill our life.


There are many homeless people in this planet due to many reasons. Be grateful what we have...a house to our home...

Just be grateful what we have and appreciate to the last drop of our tears..


Chinese New Year is just another 10 days...I have not decorated my house as I am busy with my company's budget and business planning for the last two weeks. This weekend, I need to put up the decoratives as my wife has started to remind me...hey...reminding is a serious matter and must be duly taken care.

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