Monday 29 October 2007

12 days of MIA-FMB

I am eager to be back writing my blog again..a silence since the last one on 17/10/2007. Well, I have been busy for the last 2 weeks or so...working my new business blue print for the next 3 years beside having reviewing my staff performance for the year.

The last whole week, I spent 5 days 4 nights in KL working through my business session...I nearly got stuck in the meeting room as my whole body start to breakdown due to fatigue having going through late night and whole days meeting sessions...average only been sleeping for 4 hours.

When I reached home at 12.30 a.m., I am relieved..slept at 1.30 a.m but then again I was woke up by Rachel at 6.00 a.m. asking for her gifts which I promised few days earlier (another 5 hours of sleep..huh...)...her brother also woke up around 5 minutes then,...we were chit-chatting till around 7.30a.m. as we prepared ourselves for Mass at 8.00a.m.

Having not been with my two kids since Tueday morning, I have discovered that some big changes in Moses where he communicates better and is equally inquisitive as the sister. It is really interesting to experience this change.

On Sunday, I have been mostly at home...resting and getting ready for the bigger events this week...THE END OF THE MONTH !

Chiao have a lunch appointment but due to my "itchyness" to write something & also wanted to freshen up my blog, I will put in some new findings from my last trip to KL.

1 comment:

Heroes said...

yeah it's been 2 weeks u didnt update yr blog as i knew that u were so busy with yr work and some more travelling to KL for yr meeting.

Again glad to see u back in one piece and start posting new post here.

Anything can change in short time, furthermore to say about your son's changes in few days time.