Wednesday 5 March 2008

Patience is the key to success

As time passes over years, this golden word is ever resounding in my head. Yet again, I hear this from another good friend in this afternoon lunch. Yes, I do agree that to have this great gift is to be able to see perspective long enough to make rightful decision and another to give one opportunity to learn a different way to implement things to the best of options.

Decisive is another good word to learn when we have patience in our hands especially when options becoming to many a choice. Indecisive could cost delays in making right move, thus, losing out good opportunity or timing.

Hmm...I am basically bored with no fresh leads on the SHS 8890 Alumni's blog. It seems that everyone may have forgotten this blog as there are no comments or discussion or anything except that I still observe some traffics through the blog. May be everyone is just too busy with their "real" world and probably the reunion fever is over...maklum..lah...CNY period has dried up. Understood..lah. But the collection of debt overflowed from the CNY reunion still on-going...still a deficit leh...hehehe..

Ah Yaw mentioned about Gawai meetup (to keep the reunion fire burning) the other day when we had coffee. It seems to be a good idea but the challenge is how to get us more linked rather than just sharing about the past,...said Mr. Tee on one occasion. Yes, I am just thinking about the best approach....more than just classmates but life long group of friends...may be not the 350 people but at least to most of us.

Hope to have something concrete on coming Friday coffee talk with lovely dear and Heroes.


Election fever is up but I have yet to attend any ceramah...though keep hearing feedbacks from coffeeshops beside daily emails from good friends all over to vote for opposition and good radio advertisement to go for stable government.

8th of March is just 2 days away and my decision on who to vote has been decided in my head.

How about you ?

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