Monday 10 March 2008

Cleansing - 1st Report Card

I have sucked 32 pieces of local lemon since the day 1 (21 days ago) and as promised I have to report the condition as compared to the day 1. seems that nothing had changed ? Why ? The following may have been the possibilities;
a) I am still taking mega carbo breakfast with friends and family,
b) I have finished 2 boxes of chocolates (courtesy from M.P),
c) Only had 1 session of squash with Mr. Tee and that was only 3 days ago,
d) Still drink a lot of liqour and eating a lot of meat,

(No wonder Ivy warned me earlier !..(sigh...)

or may be I could have been worst..meaning increase waistline or weight if not because of the 32 liap lemon !

Nevermind...lah !

Let's challenge my body to another 21 days..meaning by 31/3/ give a real progress report...:)


Heroes said...

What had done considered done. Don't look back as you are hardly turn and twist to look on your back side.

When you mentioned nothing had changed and some "may have been the possibilities"....yes it's the main reasons and not the possibilities.... :-)

The few layers shown on your belly are the answer. BTW with your total commitment and determination, I am guess you should be able to achieve what you wish in the next 21 days.....keep it up.....

Want lunch or dinner later....hahahaha....

mygreatbuds said...

Thanks for the encouragement and I believe I will be victorious by 31/3/2008.

Ivy said...

Challenge your body or your mind...?

They say not much can change until there's a mental change. Sometimes, we address the wrong issues.

Anonymous said...

the most important thing is how u discipline urself..must know how to control ur temptations on foods..:) some ppl c the yummy foods, will forget abt the diet plan..heheheh...

try to climb up more stair case instead of using lifts or escalators or travelators...ocassionaly, i will climb up my house stair case with Ignatius to level 13. i was surprised that Ignatius can do it without asking me to carry him.

keep it up bro. i'm sure u can do it..:)

-ah mei-

Heroes said...

Now I am wondering how are you going to achieve your targetted result by 31/3/2008 as I was having lunch with you yesterday and still remember what have you order and furthermore with added request??? "Char Kuey Teow with added fried egg and with MORE Kuey Teow"...... :-O :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0 :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Momie said...

Bro, think u really need to discipline urself..if not how to achieve ur target by 31 march 2008??

Heroes said...

It's another week more to access and view your progress report. I trust you have done on the thing that need to be done in the past few days during long break.

Go Go Go Go.......

mygreatbuds said...

Ah Mei, are you now naming yourself Momie ?

Heroes, winners never give up and I shall be there....(just don't keep dangling temptation to me...but if it is free course, I would not want to waste it, wouldn't I ?

Momie said...

ya, momie is my nickname..:)