Monday 2 June 2008

Harden Muscles

Can you believe... ? Today is the 3rd day, I have played squash in a row...over 12 games...a record for the last 5 years since the last time I have played so that often. Thanks to the long holiday since Saturday and also playing partners...Mr. Tee, Mr. Too & Mr Rich.

Though my muscles seems has tighten up and just nice for 120 minutes massage but then, I felt great ! Hooha !

Hey, tomorrow...I shall play again at 3.00pm and seriously, I hope to make this a habit of playing at least twice a week...not so much of weight issue but more towards mental need to recall back my strokes... (aioy...can't believe myself thay I could not even win over young kids...Form 1 boy).

Mr. Tee has already preparing Bryan for his dream by sending him to squash clinics (he is only 8 years old) and he is encouraging me to do the same for Rachel. It is very tempting and I do really hope this could happen least that will also drive me to be discipline enough to meet my twice a week playing sessions(splitting myself with corporate duties..mind boggling). Well, accordingly to Andy (the coach), young chap will normally pick up the skills within 2 years. Through his tutelage, he has brought up few state players and they are also good in their academic (if one is concern about their child's education).

Hey, what do you think ?


This is also my 98th post on this blog....yes ! I had started the blog since 17th March 2007 and it has attracted a traffic from 43 countries with 2267 entries (minus about 10% of my own surfing), hey...still have 2000 entries (in deep contrast...imagine Tun Dr. M's blog has attracted 1m traffic just within 1 month !..I am impressed !)...looking forward for the 100th ! soon...


Heroes said...

MGB, you should treasure your squash game which happened 3 or 4 days in a row, why i say that? As i pretty sure that it won't happen again in the near future or even longer period unless long holidays again....

Heroes said...

MGB, another thing that i need to re-remind you again ... age is definately not on your side and stamina also, therefore, i am not surprise at all that you could lose to a form one kid.... BTW don't be so upset about it and not to cry over it.... sometimes we tend to confuse luck and skill......

Mr Tee said...

Felt good after the 4 days 'clinical' in a row. Can't remember when was the last time I have such a continuous session. Can't deny age is catching up. Most of the time, mind is playing the game with the poor physical legs yelling in agony and trailing behind physically.
Nothing much to do to improve my skill further thus encouraging my next generation to pick up early. My son's coach reckons Bryan would beat me easily in 2 yrs time provided he stays on the course.
Rachel has reached the right age to join in the training why not give it a shot? If she inherits her daddy skill (hopefully not the size), I reckons she can be the next Nicole? Aisay.....;)