Saturday, 29 March 2008


I am interested to learn the actual meaning of 'politics' as this term is widely used and corporate management have actually reminded employee not to play politics among colleagues. So, I refer to wikipedia;

Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions. The term is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in all human group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions.

Politics consists of "social relations involving authority or power" and refers to the regulation of a political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy.

Political science (also political studies) is the study of political behavior and examines the acquisition and application of power. Related areas of study include political philosophy, which seeks a rationale for politics and an ethic of public behavior, and public administration, which examines the practices of governance. is purely just a process of making decision by a group of people in consensus. If it is just a methodology, then why in corporate management or among people, people are discouraged from playing politics ?

Politics itself is just a method or process in making decision and it did not mention about its understanding or belief . Corporate management is actually more concern about the way belief or influence are worked out certain individual or group by to lead or change or unite the bigger group to against the management's belief, cultures and values.

So, the corporate management has also been playing politics to ensure the whole team stay united to the same culture, belief and values. Hence, the end in mind of the leaders is utmost important.

Then we need to know what sort of politics (way of making decision) are practised by various group when approaching a challenges, issues, opportunities or problem. Once we are cleared, we will be able to to pick our choice.

More confused ? I think so and I believe many others are also confused. Many may be lead to support due to belief that they shall gain benefits from the strong association of one group of same political mind. These people just do not know that actual values of politics and they would not care for the larger group of society other than their own preferences.

Sincerely, how many are actually educated to know what is politics ? other than listen from hearsay, newspaper, coffeeshops...any of us study this topic like we are trained doctors, engineers, lawyers etc ? Other thans those political study graduates and handful of self learned leaders, most people, I mean majority just do not know what is politics all about.

May be we could say...politics is a logic or common sense...may be it is true but still if most people do not have common sense as what we have experienced in other areas, we do find a lot of people just do not have the common knowledge.

Where am I getting to ?...I am just trying to share that if more people are educated just like how we were taught to read ABC and to evaluate facts...may be the maturity of politics will be there and elected government will better be real for their jobs....(political leaders must work harder to explain to the people...this one way how the majority start learning...)

It is just my 5cents thoughts .....(inset photo is Aristotle)

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Spending Time With Kids

How many times a week do you do window shopping ? I guess it would be minimal as normally our budget will limit us from doing more than we can as it will encourage overspending especially now after the new year season and insurance expenses need to be handled (or rather we lose control to the temptation of new things).

But then again, every time you are in a shopping mall, what is your objective especially you have already done with your weekly marketing...killing time ?

For is part of parenting task...for normal week without public holidays, it is still manageable with your kids around doing the usual shopping as we would love to spent time with them. However, when it is a long weekend, just like the last weekend, almost everyday I have to serve to their needs. It is a tough activity as we have only handful of shopping malls around Kuching and more painstakingly we have limited $$ to manage when we are spending much on breakfasts, lunches, dinners and in between aiscream, titbits etc. This time round, they are just exchanging places between "Boulevard" and "Spring" as their favourites. Everise and Saberkas are nearly forgotten. Parkson or Tun Jugah are not found in their list anymore. Kenyalang still slightly in the memory as they can find their movies there.

Of late, I would just drive them around the city (still spending the petrol..huh) as this is more manageable though they grumble along the way (but I would treat them to supper at 3rd mile or Jln Song)

May be should try to bring them to the outskirt, to the beach or nearby picnic areas at least they are nearer to learn about Mother nature. In 10 years time...(which is very fast) and I would be nearly half of a century man....their preference may be with their own friends least not to waste time and need to make full use of these precious loving time to be with them and grow up to see they are useful lads.

Moses is still waking up at this moment...whereas Rachel has already asleep about 90 minutes ago. I need to be with him now to ensure he sleeps earlier (I must admit that it is best of life for having them...those of you parents, I bet you are 100% agreeable). Good night...

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Goofing Off ?

Do you know how much 'time' one had spent time goofing off in a year ? I was told that it is as much as 30% of one is working. Frankly, I do not know about the word "goofing off" until two years ago when I attended a management training.

What is goofing off ? According to means...

The verb phrase goofing off is commonly used to describe activities which might otherwise be considered recreation or idle pastime, but which occur while other obligations are being neglected. In some cases the phrase is used by stoic or ascetic people to describe any recreation activity, with the implication that all of life's hours have an associated obligation which precludes idle pleasure. Common obligations routinely neglected in the course of goofing off include paid employment, social courtesies, or the expectations of relatives.
So do you goof off around ? For me, I do when I think I am times just wanted to relax and switch off to screen saver that I do not suffered burnout. (this is especially during festive seasons). In fact, blogging or surfing at net is also a mode of goofing off during office hours or replying to personal emails know best...hehehe...

Monday, 10 March 2008

Cleansing - 1st Report Card

I have sucked 32 pieces of local lemon since the day 1 (21 days ago) and as promised I have to report the condition as compared to the day 1. seems that nothing had changed ? Why ? The following may have been the possibilities;
a) I am still taking mega carbo breakfast with friends and family,
b) I have finished 2 boxes of chocolates (courtesy from M.P),
c) Only had 1 session of squash with Mr. Tee and that was only 3 days ago,
d) Still drink a lot of liqour and eating a lot of meat,

(No wonder Ivy warned me earlier !..(sigh...)

or may be I could have been worst..meaning increase waistline or weight if not because of the 32 liap lemon !

Nevermind...lah !

Let's challenge my body to another 21 days..meaning by 31/3/ give a real progress report...:)

Tsunami in Malaysian Politics now everyone would know what is the final result of the PRU2008 with BN Sarawak won the final seat of Hulu Rajang. A shocking defeat ? in 4 states by BN ? (Sigh...why not much dent observed in Sarawak ? as lamented by one friend on Saturday night)

A lot of assumption has started ? even as I drive to work this morning, another friend called to informed that the stock market shall have limit down today (in my I have invested quite a sum in the past 6 months or so..) as he reasoned out few prominent stocks which may be strongly affected especially those have investment or business activities in the four states.

We both agree the sentiment (coupled with Dow's effect the previous Friday where is lost 1%++) and have predicted at least 50 points down from opening,...true enough it was 60 points in red...and now it is going to break 100 points (- 98.31) ! Looking at the top losers, they are all heavyweights ! mostly those linked to governments.

Predictions were made that Kedah shall ban all the gambling and liquor businesses ? All inmorality activities shall be stopped ?? will be like a 2nd Kelantan ? Is the rakyat there prepared ? May be they will also move out to somewhere ?

How about Perak ? why DAP has allowed a PAS leader to be the MB though they are the biggest winner in the state ? Will Perak follow suit like Kedah and Kelantan ?

Well, whatever it is...the next 2 weeks shall be very interesting and let's see how this election result settles down (Tun Dr. M is pressing his succesor to accept full responsibility...he said in local newspaper.. if a Japanese, "harakiri shall be rightful act to salvage this shameful loss...but well he is a Malay, so no need this drastic act :) ).

My hope is that all leaders must be graceful in defeat and accept the voice of rakyat and may all supporters and Malaysian be united again and gracefully to continue building our beloved country to a real boleh country.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Patience is the key to success

As time passes over years, this golden word is ever resounding in my head. Yet again, I hear this from another good friend in this afternoon lunch. Yes, I do agree that to have this great gift is to be able to see perspective long enough to make rightful decision and another to give one opportunity to learn a different way to implement things to the best of options.

Decisive is another good word to learn when we have patience in our hands especially when options becoming to many a choice. Indecisive could cost delays in making right move, thus, losing out good opportunity or timing.

Hmm...I am basically bored with no fresh leads on the SHS 8890 Alumni's blog. It seems that everyone may have forgotten this blog as there are no comments or discussion or anything except that I still observe some traffics through the blog. May be everyone is just too busy with their "real" world and probably the reunion fever is over...maklum..lah...CNY period has dried up. Understood..lah. But the collection of debt overflowed from the CNY reunion still on-going...still a deficit leh...hehehe..

Ah Yaw mentioned about Gawai meetup (to keep the reunion fire burning) the other day when we had coffee. It seems to be a good idea but the challenge is how to get us more linked rather than just sharing about the past,...said Mr. Tee on one occasion. Yes, I am just thinking about the best approach....more than just classmates but life long group of friends...may be not the 350 people but at least to most of us.

Hope to have something concrete on coming Friday coffee talk with lovely dear and Heroes.


Election fever is up but I have yet to attend any ceramah...though keep hearing feedbacks from coffeeshops beside daily emails from good friends all over to vote for opposition and good radio advertisement to go for stable government.

8th of March is just 2 days away and my decision on who to vote has been decided in my head.

How about you ?