Saturday, 9 October 2010

River Disaster 2010

Tonnes of logs and wood debris has conquered the mighty Rajang as what considered as environmental catastrophe which has never happen or experience. This is a sign of tired mother nature of the unscrupluous acts of our leaders and business people. Uncontrolled logging activities and greed has been named as the main reason for this situation. Authorities seems clueless of what is the real cause but keep vowing to find the truth and nail the culprit.

When this happen, I wonder why there is no action to try to prevent these debris from floating out to the open sea ? May be, we could mobilise team of savagers to clean up. If the local authority does not have the power, the state government would have, if not, then Federal Government could have done more concrete action. The debris will cause more damage to the ecology system further down the riverine and open seas beside posting danger to vessels and river operators.

It is very disturbing and indeed sad to experience such situation. However, I believe there is still hope if we could make those in authorities take full responsibilities and be open on the real action to preserve our Mother Nature.

Yes, we need development and no doubt logging of the timber is one of the steady sources of income for the government and people. If the danger limit has been breached, the activity should stop and prevent further deterioration. We had enough opportunities through timber logging and it has contributed much revenues to our state. Different controlled approach can be used if it is save.

Critically, we need to ensure proper plans to support in other sort of activities for income earning for rakyat. NKEAs & SCORE should come strongly to take over from timber logging activities as major income producer for the state.

It is NOW or NEVER !

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