Friday 8 August 2008

The Games Has Begun...

Managed to hook myself to TV just now from 8.45pm to 9.30pm...if not Joe's prophecy may be materialised on me...

A fabulous show...but not from Astro...I watch the original from a China's station...via fanstastic show...managed also to witness our Malaysia team walking passed the main podium...but didn't see our PM standing up ??? (why ?? all the rest I saw...President Bush, President Chin Tao, Sania Gandhi, Japan PM, Russia President and Israel PM) hmmm...mungkin banyak hal penting dalam negara sekarang...tak dapat luangkan masa untuk Olimpik ini...hai :(


Anonymous said...

I heart MGB.

Over the months, not formally known as blogger, I popping in and out of MGB's blog. "Lost and found", "Miracles", "Anniversary", "Wrong type of Lemon" are some of the many entries that he posted.

Guess what?

I am deeply fasinated by this particular write up. He mentioned that I have the power of knowing will happen in the future.

"How true?"

"How certain?"

"How confirm?"

"Heroes, do you think that MGB is hinting me to buy him bak kut teh or something like that?"

Heroes said...

Joe, you have mentioned this in my blog , "Whoever is not going to sit in front of TV tonight is going to commit an unforgivable sin". Tonight means 08.08.08.

So, our MGB don't want to be one of the sinner as what you said....

A bak Kut Teh in the morning would be good enough...