Friday, 20 August 2010

Life Transformation

People said, life at 40 is a cross road. A big decision to be made. I am now coming to 39 and yet to reach 40 but I have been feeling the need to transform to another level or another mode. Am I the only person feeling at such ?

I was having lunch with a buddy this afternoon and we talked about life and how we could live a more satisfied life and towards the future. Is not that we are not having a great time at life now but we are looking at how we could be even better or securing the future. We sense that if we stop our work now...everything would just slow down and we will not be secured. I brought up few examples of other friends or acquantaince who I know are doing very solid future building expecially in their financial independence.

I have invested in few areas like properties, lands, stocks and unit trusts. I have tried to make my rested money to work extra for me. The return is steady but not very much. It is a long term accumulation but I am looking as faster return whilst I am still strong physically and mentally.

It is always refreshing to know that we could do more and there is a lot of opportunities to try on. I like ideas but have too much concern to try :-(

Someone asked me very recently, how do you like it when you can earn RM50,000 a month ? (my CEO may just only earn half of it and the worry or responsibilities that he had is triple) Why would you still want to work for your employer ? full of stress and spend the whole time for others and not your family or loved ones...

Pondering back of six years ago, John shared with me his dream and I join into his dream by signing up the challenge. Now after 6 years, the dream that we had, I knew he has achieved a milestone but I have not had a yard...(although I grew in size and also my stature in my corporate life. My corporate responsibility tie me deeper and deeper into the ring, making me more difficult to release myself without hurting both sides). The conclusion is I have not make my final decision !!!

I need to transform and I need this new life to secure the future of my family..
